Terms and Conditions including Privacy Policy

To Make a Booking

Course bookings are made online. Please select the course you wish to take. Read the course description carefully to make sure that it is right for you and that, if necessary, you have studied any other courses that need to come first. These will be clearly shown if applicable and you will confirm your eligibility during the checkout process.


Payment is made online at the time of the booking. Payment can be made by BACS, our bank details will be shown on the invoice, or by PayPal which allows you to pay by debit or credit card. PayPal do not require you to have an account to be able to use their service. We do not retain any of your financial information as the entire transaction is handled by PayPal.

Cancellation Policy

Please note that it is not possible to provide a refund for a Distance Learning course once we have made the documentation available to you.

With other courses, sometimes it can be necessary for you to cancel or change a course that you have booked, and we wish to be fair with you, and also with ourselves, when this happens. Places are in demand and late cancellations are not normally acceptable. The following terms will apply.

In all cases, as an alternative to a refund, we will be happy to book you on to the next suitable course where places are available. There is no charge for this.

If moving to another course is not an option for you, then you may apply for a partial refund as follows:

Where you are able to give us in excess of 60 days notice of cancellation we will refund the course fee in full less a 20% administrative fee. Where you are able to give us 60 days notice or less, but more than 10 days notice, we will refund the due fee in full less a 50% administrative fee. Where you are able to give us 10 days notice or less, we will be unable to provide a refund.

If you need to advise us of a cancellation, please do so by email or telephone. The cancellation is deemed as accepted once we respond to your communication in writing.

It is possible that we may need to cancel a course, and The Soul Midwives School reserves the right to to do this if circumstances force us to do so. We will give you as much notice as possible, and in the event of a cancelled course, full fees including deposits will be refunded. However, The Soul Midwives School accept no further liability for course cancellations beyond the course fee refund. If you are booking travel and accommodation, we strongly recommend that you consider travel insurance.

Training Agreement: Intellectual Property, Copyright and Usage Agreement between the Learner and The Soul Midwives’ School

This Intellectual Property and Usage Agreement is entered into by and between The Soul Midwives School, Felicity Warner and you, the Learner.

All educational materials, including but not limited to books, course materials, presentations, and any other content provided by the School, are the intellectual property of The Soul Midwives School and are, as such, protected by copyright laws.

The Soul Midwives School grants the Learner a non-transferable license to use the educational materials solely for personal educational purposes.

The Learner may not reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works based on the materials.

Specifically the Learner shall not: reproduce, modify, or create derivative works of the educational materials. distribute, sell, sublicense, or otherwise transfer the educational materials to any third party or use the educational materials to create a competing teaching platform or educational program.

The Learner acknowledges that the educational materials contain proprietary and confidential information. The Learner agrees to keep such information confidential and not disclose it to any third party save in the course of putting the information to use for its intended purpose of supporting individuals at End of Life.

Our unique position with dying friends and their loved ones is one of privilege and trust, supporting vulnerable people and their families and we hope to show you how to deliver this with honour and integrity.

The Learner acknowledges that by engaging with any course provided by the School they have accepted and are bound by these terms.

The School reserves the right to enforce this Agreement through legal means if the Learner breaches any of its terms.

Privacy Policy

We respect the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and this policy explains how we collect and treat any information you give us. We’ve excluded complicated legal terms and long passages of unreadable text. This policy document is intended to describe our process.

Why we value your privacy: We value your privacy as much as we do our own, so we’re committed to keeping your personal and business information safe. We’re uncomfortable with the information companies, governments, and other organisations keep on file, so we ask for only the bare minimum from our students. We’ll never use your personal information for any reason other than why you gave it, and we’ll never give anyone access to it unless we’re forced to by law.

How we collect information: We ask for contact information including your name, email address, and phone number, on our website so that we can reply to your enquiry. Our website doesn’t use cookies or scripts that are designed to track the websites you visit. We collect your email address when you sign up for one of our Newsletters, and we ask for your contact and other relevant information when you book a course.

What information we hold: When you contact us by email or through our website, we might collect your name, email address and phone number. If you sign up for a Newsletter, we may only collect your email address. When you book a course, we collect your name, email address, phone number, and any other pertinent information that we need in order to run the course. All purchases are processed by an off-site ecommerce platform, like PayPal or Stripe, and we never have access to your credit or debit card information.

Where we store your information: When you contact us by email or through our website, we store your information in our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. If you sign up for a Newsletter, we store your email address with MailChimp, which is the marketing platform we use. When you buy something, your information is stored in our ecommerce platform. We chose these systems partly for their commitment to security.

What we use your information for: We occasionally use your contact information to send you details of our products and services. When we do, you have the option to unsubscribe from these communications and we won’t send them to you again. We might also email you about a new course or other things of interest, but if you tell us not to, we won’t get in touch again. We will use your information to send you any required information about transactions you make with us.

Who’s responsible for your information at our company: We are responsible for the security of your information. You can contact us by email at office@soulmidwives.co.uk or use the contact form on site if you have any concerns about the information we store.

Who has access to information about you: When we store information in our own systems, only the people who need it have access. We use standard security protocols to keep your information and ours safe.

How to complain: We take complaints very seriously. If you’ve any reason to complain about the ways we handle your privacy, or anything else about our relationship with you please contact us by email at office@soulmidwives.co.uk or use the contact form.

Changes to the policy: If we change the contents of this policy, those changes will become effective the moment we publish them on our website.