Spiritual Soul Midwifery

The Certificated Master Skills Course

Spiritual care is the cornerstone of Soul Midwifery holistic end of life care and complements the therapeutic skills we offer. This powerful course looks at how we can support the dying in a gentle yet dynamic way.

In  Soul Midwifery Spiritual Care is all about meeting someone at the depth of their being and holding space at the deepest level. This course helps us to   understand the sacred nature of death and dying and the nature of consciousness.

What you will learn:
Understanding What Happens After Death
The Bedside Celebrant Role
Care of the Soul
Grief Work and Bereavement Support
Death Rituals and Sacred Passage
Sacred Oils for the Care of the Dead
This course will enable you to:

The course usually takes place on a Saturday and Sunday and each StudyLive Zoom session runs from 10.30am until 4.00pm. On completion you’ll receive our Certificate in Spiritual Soul Midwifery. If you successfully complete both this and the Holistic and Therapeutic Soul Midwifery course then you receive the coveted Soul Midwives Diploma which will witness the breadth and depth of your study in End of Life care.

Please note – we never record our courses. These are interactive and experiential sessions and are therefore confidential.

Spiritual Soul Midwifery
The Certificated Master Skills Course

June 1st – 2nd 2024


Spiritual Soul Midwifery
The Certificated Master Skills Course

November 9th – 10th 2024


Praise for our Courses

"Level Two deepened my practice as a Soul Midwife to an even higher level. The stepping stones to grieving section has given me profound tools for working with those who are recently bereaved." F
"There is no other training that I'm aware of that, like this, is available to non-specialists. It has given me an understanding, vocabulary and awareness for working with the soul." HK