Meet the Teachers

Felicity Warner - Founder of Soul Midwives

Felicity Warner

Founder of Soul Midwives and Principal of the Soul Midwives School. Author of ‘Gentle Dying’, ‘A Safe Journey Home’, ‘The Soul Midwives’ Handbook’ and ‘Sacred Oils’.

Awarded Care Champion of the Year in 2017 by the National Council for Palliative Care and Royal College of Nursing, Felicity was also named End of Life Doula of 2017 by the Good Funeral Awards.

Felicity teaches on each day of the Level One training and both days of Level Two. She also specialises in teaching psycho-spiritual care of the dying, the last three days of life, and working with Sacred Oils.

Mandy Preece

Mandy Preece is a Soul Midwife, Hospice Communication Trainer, Reiki Master, and Adviser in nature connection for wellbeing.

After training as a Soul Midwife, Mandy initiated a volunteer bedside companion scheme at her local hospice. Since then, she has supported many hospices and acute hospitals to set up similar schemes. Volunteers receive her experiential communications training so they can support patients at the end of life. Mandy’s training received the Princess Royal Training Award for best practice in the workplace in 2017 and she is an alumni member. 

In 2019 Mandy was voted NHS Unsung Hero Volunteer of the year and joined a NHS/ Helpforce Steering Group looking at volunteer roles within the NHS.

Mandy is passionate about enabling people at end of life and their families to feel heard. Her book Being Rock, which redefines listening,  was published in 2020.


Mandy Preece - Soul Midwife
Krista Hughes - Soul Midwife & Mentor

Krista Hughes

Krista is a Soul Midwife, Mentor, Introductory Day Tutor, and TLC trainer (and supports curriculum development in the SM School)

Krista has a long-standing background in teaching and as a University Lecturer in Primary Education. She is also a Yoga Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Holistic Relaxation Therapist, and she is training as a Medical Herbalist.

She trained as a Soul Midwife in 2013 and works actively in the community. She represents  Soul Midwives on the NHS Surrey Heartlands End Of Life and Palliative Care Strategy Group.She has a salaried role  as “Therapy Lead Soul Midwife ” at The Mulberry Centre, a charity  providing information and services for those affected by cancer and anyone with and end of life diagnosis is referred to Krista and her team for support.

Krista is passionate about helping everyone to unlock innate skills and knowledge in compassionate care, so that death and care for the dying are brought back into life and living